As a fan of World Wrestling Entertainment since 1993 and a subscriber to the WWE Network since 2017, I feel compelled to reimagine the way the WWE Network functions.
The main reason for this project is to spark discussion in the community and raise awareness to the WWE that although the WWE Network is a great start, it drastically needs to be updated with new functionality in order to increase and retain the subscribers.
It will also demonstrate my skills in Digital Strategy, Product Development and User Experience Design.
This aims to be constructive criticism and hopefully throughout, I can engage in useful conversation with like minded fans of this unique artform and ultimately if some of these ideas can be built into the WWE Network, then it will have succeeded to retain me as a subscriber.
The project will include:
- A white paper
- A keynote presentation
- Periodic blog posts
- Public roadmap (Trello)
- Designs
- HTML prototypes
This is the first in a series of blog posts but it also serves as a call to action. The best UX projects put the users at the heart of it. It’s an approach called User Centred Design (UCD).
I’d appreciate if you fill in this quick survey and share it amongst your friends, facebook groups and wrestling forums. I’ll be giving away three WWE Network gift cards.